Always connected with your mobile phone it seems so obvious, but is it?
We all have the experience of mobile coverage gaps, network outages, border areas causing a huge impact for those who’s mobile phone became a process critical device and their need for being always connected.
Worlds first and only mobile redundancy solution.
Our patented Lyfo.NET software enables continuous multi mobile network connectivity between all available public and private mobile networks and during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona we will demonstrate you our mobile application, supporting data, sms and even voice!
Lyfo.NET is an ARPU gamechanger for the mobile industry and opens the door for guaranteed Mobile Quality of Service even for the most critical users on your mobile network like public safety and their need for MCX services!
For the Dutch market Lyfo.NET is exclusively available via T-Mobile Netherlands and now we are open to establish strategic partnerships with Mobile operators, MVNO’s and MVNE’s to serve customers around the globe.
I’m looking forward to meet you in Barcelona on the Dutch Pavillion!
Always connected for process critical services is now available!